Hi everyone, this is a robot generator script based on the Mech blocks.
script here ->> MechGenerator.lua
Edit: The script was inaccessible until now.
Create your own 3D models and 2D sprites! · By
Hi everyone, this is a robot generator script based on the Mech blocks.
script here ->> MechGenerator.lua
Edit: The script was inaccessible until now.
Hey Gxiraudon!
I edited your script slightly to make use of the three hand objects Kenney now has. If you want to update your script with it, feel free, no attribution needed:
randomHand = { "Mech/hand", "Mech/hand_closed", "Mech/hand_point",}
Hand = randomHand[math.random(#randomHand)];
-- generate hands. there are no available hands so these will be simple hexagons