Hello everyone!
Today I want to share with you my latest project: Flappy Bird clone!
This is too lame to make a new post? :( I am sorry. I know it is nothing compared to other games of famous developers but I really took time and effort into it :'> So I want to share it, at least.
So anyways, here are a few reasons why you might consider checking out my page and downloading the game for once:
- It is super light, only 2MB
- The assets are free for your use
- It feels almost the same compared to the original Flappy Bird
- The game has smooth transitions
This is the link to my dear Flappy Bird: Flappy Bird by LabG (itch.io)
If you find a bug or want to encourage a newborn like me please give me some comments under the page.
Some screenshots:
Please make the miracle happen, thank you very much TvT