Spine Vtuber Prototype uses these animations:
- breathe
- face pitch down
- face pitch up
- face roll left
- face roll right
- face yaw left
- face yaw right
- idle
- left brow raise
- left eye open
- left pupil pitch down
- left pupil pitch up
- left pupil yaw left
- left pupil yaw right
- mouth height
- mouth width
- right brow raise
- righteye open
- right pupil pitch down
- right pupil pitch up
- right pupil yaw left
- right pupil yaw right
All these animations need to be created for the model for it to work in Spine Vtuber Prototype. If you are missing any of the required animations, Spine Vtuber Prototype will pop-up alert you about it. You can set any FPS and create multiple keyframes on the timeline to represent the range of movement. You want to to animate within one second. Any animation past one second could be ignored by this application. For example, if you set your Spine file for 60 FPS, you should not try to animate past 60 frames.