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[Godot][Programmer] Looking for a project to work in (no payment)

A topic by Bouzenad created Jul 06, 2022 Views: 275 Replies: 3
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I'm a game developer with about 2 or 3 years of experience. I can program, but I also have other skills like pixel art and music composition.

I'm looking for a team to work with (The size of the team doesn't matter, as long as the members are as passionate as me and are willing to pull their weight) so hit me up on my discord Bouzenad#0905 or reply with your desired form of contact, if you're interested.

And by the way, I'm not looking for any payment, I'm doing this solely for the experience. Have a good day :)

Hey there!  I just sent you a friend request on discord.

I might have a game that's right up your alley.

Hope to hear from you soon.


Hi there ! That's great, I've also sent you a discord friend request if you're interested :)

Hello, I sent you a friend's request on discord. Looking forward to hearing from you!