couple of things I've noticed, Dr Glitcher seems to be upside down in this cutscene
And the aspect ratio shrinks after the first cutscene has ended.
Its a little hard to see, but the game also crashes when you punch this enemy. I was invincible at the time managed to replicate it multiple times. If you DON'T collect the invincibility power up then the crash doesn't happen must be tied to that. Also if you quit the game and select load game the aspect ratio is restored.
Sorry for the late reply, but I will work on resolving these issues as soon as I can, these are problems that will be fixed in a later update patch for all PC and browser platforms. I am also currently working on NEW Smash Ringtail Cat on Game Jolt, and Smash Ringtail Cat II: The Ultimate Glitch Hacker right now, and we will fix these issues as soon as I can. Thanks for your patience!
Liam Earles
The Owner of Glass Seastar