Hi! I stumbled upon your project and was very impressed with your efforts to create a living world with tectonic movement. It reminded me of a game from my youth: Evolution the Game of Intelligent Life from 1997. See Evolution: The Game of Intelligent Life - Wikipedia and for gameplay Evolution Historical World | Complete Game Fast Speed! - YouTube
It is an educational game that allows you to evolve creatures from an evolutionary chart (Evolution The Game of Intelligent Life tree of life - Imgur) in a historic or randomized evolving world (with the only attributes being terrain type and temperature).
It struck me that your "world engine" may be(come) very suitable for a (fan) remake of this game. In my creative mind's eye it could even be a prologue, making SotE span biological ànd cultural evolution. One could imagine a historical mode with existing species and a fantasy mode with all kinds of species. This leading up to the starting species in the cultural evolutionary part of the game as I have seen in your current project. /end brainstorm
I myself am unfortunately not skilled in programming and can therefore not assess very well if this is a feasible suggestion. I would love to hear your reaction.