In August, we plan to:
- Add a Tabletop Simulator mod, available for $5+.
- Polish the art of the old decks and the rulebook.
- Add a third deck, the Elemental/Psychic deck Faerie Fire.
- Begin crowdfunding efforts to finish the 5 starter decks, the 55-card supplement, and eventually a full 270 card set in digital and print-and-play formats.
In September, we plan to:
- Continue polishing and playtesting.
- Add a fourth deck, the Numinous/Wyld deck Knightly Hunters.
In October, we plan to:
- Continue polishing and playtesting.
- Add a fifth deck, the Psychic/Cthonic deck Crushing Undertow.
- Run sealed playtest tournaments. Break our stupid game, win our stupid prizes! Note: winning deck may be nerfed.
From November-February, we plan to:
- Continue polishing and playtesting.
- Add a 55 card supplement.
- Test a Draft format.
From there on, we're going to expand the initial card pool to something around 270 cards, and then and only then start planning to crowdfund for a proper print run.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for this, let us know!