I opened the standard MZ project (not TileD) but there doesn't appear to be any sample maps. Is that an oversight or does this just not come with any?
Vast galaxies, sterile living quarters, the unfathomable depths of space at the palm of your hand. · By
@GalacticGod the sample maps are made in Tiled and the files are included. The MZ version has no sample maps and instead just tile collisions. We made sure to state it in content section as clearly as we could!
Because of how the tilesets are made, their size and RPG Maker's Tilesheet limitations, you need to customize them to make them look whatever you want in RPG Maker MZ. Tiled has at least 12-13 tilesheets max (for RPG Maker) that changing tiles around to add bigger elements of the tilesheet is not necessary.