I think for now, my priority is on items that are "usable" -- stuff that's normally on your character sheet on a temporary basis, but which needs to be tracked and has rules attached. Eventually I'd like to move on to neat artifacts and treasures. If there are specific items you'd really like to see, please let me know! A gallery of all the finished items is on my website, updated as they're finished.
Set 1: Alchemist's Shop
001: Mortar and Pestle | 010: Bellflower | 019: Small Rough Crystal | 028: Alchemist's Fire |
002: Herb Bunch (Long) | 011: Chrysanthemum | 020: Large Rough Crystal | 029: Potion Bottle |
003: Springy Branch | 012: Tulip | 021: Simple Scroll | 030: Flacon |
004: Star Flower | 013: Thistle | 022: Big Scroll | 031: Bottle with Plant Inside |
005: Mushroom | 013: Palm Leaf | 023: Sealed Scroll | 032: Jar |
006: Blooming Branch | 015: Melon | 024: Open Scroll | 033: Vial |
007: Herb Bunch (Thick) | 016: Apple | 025: Smoke Bomb | 034: Reagent Bottle |
008: Grass Bunch | 017: Roots Bundle | 026: Powder | 035: Decorated Bottle |
009: Morning Glory | 018: Cut Gemstone | 027: Jar Bomb | 036: Decanter |
Focusing on consumables, mostly.
Set 2: General Store
037: Torches | 046: Chest | (Pouch of Sling Stones) | (Iron Rations) |
038: Candle | 047: Barrel | (Pouch of Spell Components) | (Normal Rations) |
039: Waterskin | (Bedroll) | (Quiver of Bolts/Darts) | (Delicious Rations) |
040: Large Backpack | (Tent) | (Quiver of Arrows) | (Bucket) |
041: Sack | (Large Tent) | (Lockpicks/Thieves' Tools) | (Lantern) |
042: Belt Pouch | (Warm Tent) | (Signet Ring) | (Scroll Case) |
043: Hand Mirror | (Grappling Hook) | (Holy Symbol) | (?) |
044: Flint and Steel | (Repair Tools) | (Small Backpack) | (?) |
045: Rope | (Cooking Supplies) | (Travel Bag) | (?) |
Stuff every adventurer needs. It'd be cool to one day do variations on this set for different character themes. Generic supplies first, but then maybe different themes for different cultures or biomes.
Set 3: Loot Table
(Small Coin) | (Rusty Key) | (Animal Pelt/Leather) | (Horn) |
(Medium Coin) | (Fancy Key) | (Thick Fur Pelt) | (Antler) |
(Large Coin) | (Grim Key) | (Feathered Pelt) | (Feather) |
(Small Gemstone) | (Bird Statuette) | (Snakeskin/Scaled Pelt) | (Creature Eye) |
(Medium Gemstone) | (Goddess Statuette) | (Big Scale/Plate) | (Bolt of Fabric) |
(Large Gemstone) | (Beast Statuette) | (Insect Shell/Chitin) | (Crystal Cluster) |
(Cabochan) | (Puzzle Box) | (Fang/Tusk) | (Stone/Ore) |
(Pearl) | (Mechanism) | (Claws) | (Tree Bark) |
(Ingot) | (Gear) | (Bone) | (?) |
Valuables and trade goods for selling, macguffins and "key items" to solve puzzles, and monster loot to collect for quests or even for use in crafting. This is another set that might be cool to re-theme for different dungeons or biomes.
Once these are done, I'd like to move on to basic weapons and armor, and then eventually on to fancy magical/artifact weapons and armor! :D