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Dstroy 2

Your favorite "Bombermania" game is back! · By Fully Bugged

! Suggestions ! Sticky

A topic by Fully Bugged created May 13, 2018 Views: 273 Replies: 2
Viewing posts 1 to 2
Developer (1 edit)

You wish to share with us your feedback, comments, ideas... voice them here if you wish. We'll try to answer them asap.

I'm a big fan of this game, both 1 and 2. I like the way the first one look, less screaming, and looks more "clear". maybe an option to change the skin to look like the first one? also, it's nostalgic and I believe lots of old players would love to see that.

Developer (1 edit)

Hello Yossizr
Thx for your comment and proposition. To be sure to understand it precisely, could you elaborate a little bit on "the skin to look like the first one" ? Are you talking about the heroes themself? The way they look or move? or the graphics or effects in general? or something different?
Thx :)