Why does the AI get stuck
- Well the AI computes stuff in real time, no wonders why it would get stuck for a while, try turning it on and off
Only 7 levels
- We were stressed because it was our first game jam, it wasn’t until the second day that we had fully working mechanics, sorry for that! Gonna try better next time!
Why does the AI get stuck so much
- It has something to do with the unity collision system, it works fine in the unity preview thing, even Google’s answers didn’t work :(
You mentioned those X thingies, I didn’t see them anywhere
- It only triggers if the AI is stuck for 5 seconds
Music abruptly cuts between levels The music was a feature that the game designer added in late and he didn’t notify me the dev, so I was surpised when I found out there was music.
There is also a feature that barely made it, which is that the AI can jump, it’s disabled on all levels but you can edit the code to add it back! Note that it’s gonna be chaotic