Hi, I wanted to ask a question, I was really interested in your game, it's very well made.... but its price is too high for my parents, 30 dollars is R$150 reais, I can't buy it at that price, there is no a cheaper way?
Let's start from the beginning, I'm 24 years old, what I mean is that the dollar costs me 5 times more, the problem is not the amount of money, but the cost.
Also, have you ever thought about paying $150 for a game? it's exactly what I'm paying in my country, but in the value of my currency since this site doesn't have a transfer to real I have to pay 5 times more.
i see. its overprice because this game banned by country believed i m terriorist.. and itch.io cant setup price based on country. so i set to highest .
29usd is "you support terriorist" tier. and i have no plan to low down it. let say i cant help.
I work, I pay my bills and my house, what I wanted to say is, is it possible to pay with my currency through this site and not pay with the value of the currency $USD but in R$real, the currency transfer fee multiplies the value in 5 times.
Oh you said your story without context at all xD now i get it.
tbh idk Maybe if your card has visa? master card? it depends on your country if its predatory with Itch.io prices, but yea put it in the cart and see how much it costs before buying it.