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My Godot C# Tutorials : First Person Shooter

A topic by QueenOfSquiggles created Sep 12, 2022 Views: 132
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If you’re not familiar with me already, I have a currently running tutorial series on how to make a first person shooter game in Godot using C#. I also do one-off videos on individual topics such as the basic of C# and SOLID design principles. Check it all out!

My videos tend to be a bit long, because I try to explain how it works and why certain decisions are being made, so the tutorials can be helpful for growing as a developer, not just in figuring out how to do just one thing.

Here’s the first episode to get you started <3

I’m definitely not the only resource out there for C# tutorials. Check out some of the other great creators out there who are making Godot C# approachable to the average dev!