What you have done there with this program looks very promissing.
Will there ever be a downloadable version of the software for comercial use?
Kind regards Dirk
Hi Dirk,
In fact I worked quite a bit this summer on this feature.
The goal was to propose for game editor to download their creation in a windows / mac / linux installer.
We could even imagine to use the editor in this way.
I managed to package in my local development environment an electron version .
But when I implemented the deployment on amazon to automatize the process, I saw that building windows , mac and linux version is hard to do on a single server.
To summarize, to build windows I need windows server, mac I need mac and linux I need Linux.
This is possible of course but it's kind of heavy work and I stopped there because I am the only dev on this project
I don't want to burn all my dev time on this feature.
I think it will come in the future though.
Thanks for the question.