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hacked discord

A topic by 1Johny1 created Oct 06, 2022 Views: 1,115 Replies: 6
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Hi, my Account got hacked a few days ago and now I seem to be banned from the Discord-Server. I'm usually just a lurker but as I wanted to check for new announcements and mods I found the server gone from my list and I can't get back through the invite-link.

My username in Discord is: xXJohnyXx#87

From what I can see I the hacker installed an app to spam everyone and every server on my list with dubious invite-Links to questionable servers so I can imagine what happened but please let me know if I can be helped. I went through everything on my account and I think I managed to fix everything that caused the spam and prevent further spamming in the future.


Can't find anyone banned by this username. You sure you got it right?

(1 edit)

Could you also help me, my new user is _Limb#4402, I deleted my last account cuz I didn't want to deal with discord support because I think i got banned from the server because I got hack and it spammed bad websites.

Also, if you need my original email please dm me or write back on the site.

wait, I missed a few digits xXJohnyXx#8775

if the username really  happens to be not banned then I don't why I can't seem to join anymore

that's the message I get: 

ban is lifted now, thx^^