The coolest rhythm game in first person · By ThisIsBennyK
I found out how to fix the problem from the 3 dots loading forever. So basicly go to the github page and download 8.0.0 apk. Then you want to sideload it from your pc to your oculus quest 2 and then problem fixed.
is it supposed to be a black screen but you have your hands?
I know this sounds silly - try to turn around. There should be a white/yellow wall of text somewhere around you that makes you set the height.
(supposing you’re using the last working version aka 8.0.0)
uninstall then reinstall
Where can you find the download for 8.0.0? Whenever I go on the page for it, the download button redirects you to 8.0.1.
that is what you need if it does not work uninstall then reinstall