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BDSM shop

A topic by KesselMan created Oct 17, 2022 Views: 1,825 Replies: 4
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Well i like, latex not BDSM, but a shop where you can buy Catsuits and other kind of BDSM toys and clothing would be cool, I don't know if it is in the game yet. Or is it planned?

Not in the game, the devs did consider something like that in patreon poles, but it always got outvoted, i think it was like 9%


Sounds like the patrons are too vanilla... Which means that we either need more kinky people becoming patrons or we need the polls open to more than just the patrons TwT


So true, maybe i will become one

Well, patreons bring in the money so, we'll have to become patreons in order to get it <3, it's only fair :D