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Game doesn't finish when I lose

A topic by kentarooo created Oct 24, 2022 Views: 101 Replies: 2
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Every time I die, the final score screen does not go away. I can even move around on the map and enter the same battle I lost again.

Playing on Safari, maybe will try Google Chrome later.

And by the way, the poison skip turn skill is overpowered. The opponents just stand there waiting while their health keeps dropping.


Hey there - thank you for reporting this! I might have run into this on Safari before, but was unable to repro :(  When you refresh, is your loss registered, or have you lost all progress and have to input your name again?

Regarding poison, normally the opponent should be moving towards your army, but maybe under certain circumstances (unfavorable terrain, doesn't want to get within your army's reach, etc.) it decides to wait until it's too late :D

Your guess is correct - all my progress was lost. I started playing in Chrome instead and it's working!