I bought this game in a bundle a while back, and I really like it! I can't wait to explore dungeons with procedural characters with my friends. However, I'm confused on a few of the rules.
I noticed that the fighter's "Open Doors" skill has a ≤3 symbol instead of a percentage. What does this mean? None of the other skills are listed that way. Is it that you roll a d20, and try to get less than or equal to three?
Wizards can only prepare an instance of a spell once per day. However, they are the only class that lists this requirement. Can other classes prepare multiple casts of a spell per day, or are Wizards just nerfed in that regard (and others?)
The Thief's Backstab skill says it is performed with "Combat Advantage." Is this just the same as regular advantage, that being +1d4 to the roll? Or is this something special? It's the only time I can find "Combat Advantage" listed in the book.
The Thief's Assassinate skill. Both it and Backstab say the same thing, that they require an enemy to be unaware of your presence. Assassinate specifically calls out a Move Silently or Hide In Shadow check. What determines when a Backstab happens, and when an Assassinate happens? Or are they one and the same, and Backstabbing only happens when the opponent rolls a successful Save VS Death against Assassinate?
Is it necessary to puchase a saddle or saddlebags for a donkey/mule/other animal with a carry capacity? I don't see any listed, so it seems saddles and such would be included, but I want to be sure.
Regarding the Usage Die: Do you roll for use on the first time an item with such a die is used? It says you get a free use, so I assume not, but I am checking to make sure.
Regarding Charisma and Monster Reactions. It says that people with exceptionally high or low charisma should be given bonuses "in line" with their Charisma to the roll. There's even a magic item that makes these bonuses the same as if you had 18 Charisma (Armor of Command.) But I cannot find the part of the book that details exactly WHAT bonus should be given. Is it the same as their maximum hirelings allowed? Is it the same as a To-Hit with weapons, but using Charisma instead? I'm not certain what bonus should be given
That's all my rules clarifications. Thank you so much for updating the 1e experience to the modern tabletop design space! I look forward to sending my players where man should not tread!