hi, I have a question how do you get more towers?
Hi nerdError I love you game duel force idle but am sad that you don't make updates much. I heard that you don't make updates much because you are unproductive. I have a few solutions you could do. 1. you could get some headphones and have music, podcasts, or other stuff playing while making your game. 2. have the games code on your computer open while doing other stuff and when you want to work on it you could do a bit and go back to your other stuff when bored. 3. when bored you could come up with new ideas like new towers, weapons, enemy, or rebirth upgrades. 4. take breaks while coding so you don't lose the interest to work on it that day. 5. you could look at your schedule and find days you don't have anything planned and try to work on the game that day.
I know that game development is hard and stressful and sometimes you aren't productive but you can do this. a lot of people love your game me included. I decided to take some time out of my day to write this. you are one of my favorite developers. you are a great person. you can do this. I may not know you and you don't know me but anyone can do something if they try. if you don't want to work on the game that is fine. I hope you have a nice year.
Man, it was so nice to read this, thank you a lot ❤
I don't remember reading anything that cute!
Well, yea, trying to stress less, be more productive and well enjoy life in general was the main focus for the past few years for me. And well, i have a lot to reach still, but i think i did good progress anyway! Also working with the artist helped a lot. Not sure if you saw my last game, Fruit Idle, but yea, it was made with the artist, and it looks really good. And i plan to continue working with the artist on next games. So team work and stuff helped me a lot. I was making my games totally alone before and well it was pretty easy to fall into depression. It's still happens a lot, but not THAT a lot. And like, there are a lot obvious things to do to keep yourself in a better state, but i found out that most things just dont work for me, so i had to figure out my own things, and well, it's really hard, but i gain some progress anyway i think, so it's nice already.
So, i really wanted to update DFI, but expectations was just so high, and my skills was pretty bad. Also code base for the game was shit. So i spent half a year trying to release something and just end up fully depressed. So i abandoned all attempts at some point and moved on to the new games. And well, it helped!
Im not sure when, but i really want to work on DFI 2. I think im ready now, both in terms of skills and my mind state. But i need to establish myself in terms of money still. So i will have to make more smaller games before starting to work on DFI 2. And im not sure how much will it take, but if everything goes well i think somewhere in 2023 sounds pretty possible. So join discord to stay tuned!
Thank you a lot again, it was really nice of you ❤
Hi nerdError just wanted to check in with you again. Your game is still awesome and I am still playing it. It is a long game and I love it. hope you are doing well because I have not seen much activity. I know that coding is hard and you can't get the motivation to do so but I think you choose a time of the week maybe even an hour to work on Duelforce idle 2 which you talked about and 1 hour of your time of a week is not to much for you hopefully but while also working on other smaller games so you get money you can also work on the second Duelforce idle so when you have enough money to get artists and code you will have a good chuck done of it and also just know that you are not alone game development takes a huge toll on your mental state making you stressed and depressed so if you aren't feeling great you can ask other developers how they got through / ask others for help. Just know that lots of people care about you and love your work.
I hope you are having a great life