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Bug: Can't get past first morning

A topic by echo2525 created Nov 02, 2022 Views: 808 Replies: 4
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Uncertain whether it's the new update or something, but I'm unable to get past the intro after the first night when you run into Fiona screaming in the morning. Once her dialogue finishes about her complaining, I'm unable to move, pause, anything. Just stuck and still. Please fix this when you can? Bummer that you can't get past even the first part.

same i think its the new update. None of the previous updates before ever did this. Every update the game makes me start over which is annoying in itself but this time I literally get stuck at the first morning once leaving the house.


You can transfer your saves on both PC and Android.

PC - copy and paste every file within the save folder from the old version to the new version

Android - Install the new update without deleting the old version.  New files will be overwritten and your save files will carry over


Spotted the bug and fixed it with Beta 0.10.3 which is up now.  Sorry about that but thanks for bringing it to my attention!

No thanks at all, thanks for all your hard work and timely manner!