I have given the brothel madam the wereslut cum what do I do now?
Talk to Madam in the brothel and accept the hunt. She will ask you to complete multiple tasks for her, in this order :
- Encounter a werewolf, if you haven't already ;
- Found out more their phallus (using Trudy or topping doesn't count), if you haven't already ;
- Discover their origin by reading the Warlock's diary in the Town of Monsters, if you haven't already ;
- Bring her back the essence of the werewolf (You can use Trudy for this).
Speak to Madam to receive 100 gold.
Speak to Madam again to receive the real reward
When you are asked by Madam to give her evidence of their anatomy or when she asks you for a sample from them, you need to find a Werewolf next to the first or second towns, it should be marked with question mark. You need to spot the Werewolf first by having sufficient Scout level and Stealth level. After that you have an option to ask a friend to fight.