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story inconsistency: Shoichi, Days 22 and 25 (Sat June 3, Mon June 12) - Aki doesn't really know

A topic by Ru created Nov 27, 2022 Views: 2,696 Replies: 3
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(3 edits) (+5)

During Shoichi and Yuuichi's conversation on Day 22 (Sat June 3) in Yuu's living room, Shoichi asks Yuu if anyone else knows about their relationship on his side. Yuu mentions Aki, but at no point in the story so far have Yuu and Aki had that conversation yet. This is probably loosely based off the other routes where Aki flat out asks Yuu if he's dating, but that has not come up in Shoichi's route yet.

To further highlight the story inconsistency, this dialogue on Day 25 (Mon June 12) when Aki gets home from practice. So, he doesn't actually know.

(2 edits) (+2)

Aki knowing about Shoichi and MC's relationship determined on if on Day 21 you "Tell the truth" (i'll refer to is as route A) to Saya or "Deny it" (route B). I'll try and compile all consequences of this choice:

On Day 22 Aki during conversation with MC he'll either:
A: He'll ask for advice on how to tell a girl if you like her.
B: He'll asks (or rather confirms his suspicions) about MC and Shoichi dating.
Issue: Later that day Shoichi, after talking about how happy he is that MC told Saya the truth (A) or being sad about MC lying to Saya (B), MC tells that Aki knows no matter if you had the conversation about that with brother or not, which i guess is a bug. UPD: A and B scenes should be switched, considering information prodided in my second post.

On Day 25:
A: During conversation about the fight MC with Shoichi's father, MC debates if he should tell Aki or not, but decides against it.
B: During the conversation mentioned above MC debades if he should talk about his problems with Aki, even if Aki knows about Shoichi and MC.
UPD: A and B scenes should be switched, considering information prodided in my second post.

On Day 29(A, where i pushed Sho to reunite with his mother during Day 26) / 28 (B, where i didn't push Sho to see his mom during Day 26) Aki and MC have a conversation in the morning, when they are going to school together:
A: When talking about Aki spying for Hitoka, he says that MC should tell her about dating Shoichi, as well as telling mom.
B: MC mentions the scholarship offer to Aki. Brother thinks that MC should tell mom about it.
Issue: I feel like these two conversations should be switched, since during route A, MC and Aki didn't have the conversation about MC dating Sho yet. Or, perhaps, scene during day 22 should switch, since (if i remember correctly) MC learns about Aki spying for Hitoka only in route A (when Shoichi sees his mom) and C (when MC comes to Hitoka's classroom, after the fight with Shoichi).

Day 31 (A) / 30 (B):
A: MC debates if he should tell Aki about dating Shoichi (again), but interrupted when Sho knocks on the door. Later, when Shoichi helps clean the kitchen, Aki finally confronts the couple and Sho admits that they are dating. Woriking as intended, i think.
B: MC doesn't want to tell Aki about the date and MC and Sho being a couple (even if Aki already knows?). Then MC debates if he should talk about the relationship problems with Aki, since the little brother already knows. Then he debates to if he should tell Aki about dating Shoichi (again? and Aki already knows?!), but is interrupted by Sho knocking on the door. When Shoichi helps MC with cleaning the kitchen, Aki confronts the couple just like in route A.
Issue: The entire scene in Route B.

On Day 34(A)/33(B):
A: After Aki argues with MC and Shoichi should tell their families about dating, Shoichi says that he forgot that MC mentioned to him (during day 22, which is a bug?) that Aki knows about them dating.
B: Same scene as route A, but i guess it works as intended in this scenario (but doesn't make sense, if Aki confronted the two in the previous day?).

I might've missed something else, since i got tired already, and i didn't test route C, since its way too different.

(3 edits) (+2)

After re-reading the entire route, i think that on Day 22 Aki should confront MC about dating Shoichi ONLY if you told Saya the truth on Day 21, considering that (if you lied to Saya) MC thinks about both (which are mutually exclusive at the moment) Aki and Saya threatening MC when mentioning how MC treated his ex-girlfriends.
Considering that and regarding issues in my previous post, i guess the only time things worked as intended was on Day 29/28, during the conversation between brothers on their way to school.
In case you had the fight with Shoichi (Route C), in this scene Aki talks about how Sho isn't doing well and communicates with his sister even less.
If you told Saya the truth on Day 21: Aki murmurs that its hard for him to trust MC, because MC doesn't talk about stuff with him.
If you lied to Saya on Day 21: when Aki asks if something happened between MC and Sho, he also mentiones that he knows that the two of them are dating.
I guess those two should be switched too (?).

(2 edits)

While a lot of inconsistencies were smooth out in the Update 0.65, one issue remained and a few others were added.

Main problem: Regardless of telling truth to Saya or not, Aki confronts Shoichi and MC about dating on Day 31 (Route A) or 30 (Route B), when the boys are cleaning the kitchen, before going on a date to the park, wich creates most of the issues listed bellow. I guess either this scene should be tweaked or/and the reactions to it later.

Tell truth to Saya on Day 21 - Aki asks about a dating advice the Next day:
Day 34 (A) / 33 (B): New conversation in the morning is a bit odd, considering that Aki already confronted Sho and MC about dating during Day 31.

Day 36 (A) / Day 35 (B): Last 3 lines, same issue as the previous instance.

Day 38 (A) / Day 37 (B): Same issue as previous two instances.

But after Shoichi comes for the sleepover, everyone act nonchalant, when Aki calls Sho MC's boyfriend.

Day 35 (B): Shoichi blabs about his boyfriend, Aki pretends he didn't notice anything.

"Deny it" in conversation with Saya on Day 21 - Aki confronts MC about dating Shoichi Next Day:

Day 22: After Aki confronts MC about dating Shoichi, MC still mentiones that both Saya and Aki threatened him about dating Shoichi, when these two scenes are mutually exclusive. Was mentioned in my second post.

Day 31 (A)/ 30 (B): After cleaning the kitchen, Aki confronts MC and Sho about dating, even all three of them know that Aki knows about the couple.

Day 34 (A)/ 33 (B): After Aki told that Sho and MC should tell their families about them dating, Shoichi says that MC told that Aki knows, despite Aki confronting the couple already a few days ago.

PS: Ive noticed that lying to Saya no longer affects you getting to route A or C anymore (sometimes?), but im a bit confused what other choice does, aside from the two involving Sho's dad.
Keep up the good work.