All kneel to the Golden Dawn, an empire of slaves thought to be unstoppable. This is the tale of how it fell. A tale that brought hope to the meager and caution to the ambitious. A tale of blood and betrayal, love and hate. A tale...
Of Lust and Pride is an erotic isometric RPG for Windows, Mac, and Linux. In this Dark Fantasy world, you are a high-ranking member of the greatest empire in history, the Golden Dawn, a nation composed entirely of slaves bound to a single man. While there's certainly perks to being surrounded by women sworn to carry out your every desire, you are also constantly torn between scheming rivals and the whims of your own wrothful master. But what if an opportunity came for you to be rid of it all? To forge your own path, your decisions bound by no one but yourself? Will you break away from the chain that binds? Or will you become the one and only master?
In the current version (roughly 60 - 90 minutes of gameplay), you can find...
- A unique Dark Fantasy world rich with lore to uncover and explore
- An enthralling, narrative - heavy experience which you are at the center of
- Multiple methods to progress based on the decisions you make and the skills you choose to level (Think games like Deus Ex)
- A thinker's Turn-Based Combat System requiring careful preparation and perception to master
- No grinding
- Optional. Included is a "Narrative Mode", which streamlines combat for players who just want to experience the story and don't want to worry too much about fighting
- Currently over 200 High Quality Renders, 4 Highly Detailed Scenes depicting both romantic and more primal sexual content with beautiful women
- All are optional and only experienced by player choice
- Quality of Life Enhancements
- A Gallery which can be used to review scenes at any time
- A Backlog which can be viewed at any time
- Quest Markers
- A "Safe Mode" for Streamers and Let's Players
- The option to Rebind Keys
- Plenty of Loot, which can then be used to craft MORE loot!
Of Lust and Pride is still only in Pre-Alpha stages, so there is still much to come...
- 5 - 8 Hours of Content.
- Entirely New and Expansive Worldspaces, featuring the wild forests of Lerica and the bustling metropolis of Rebia.
- Plenty of new and interesting characters, including the main cast of companions, each a deadly beauty with her own unique story to unfold based on player choice.
- More quests, enemies, and of course, Loot!
- Dozens of new scenes (Hundreds of new Renders) containing but not limited to:
- Vaginal Sex (Implemented)
- Anal Sex (Implemented)
- Oral Sex (Implemented)
- Creampie (Oral and Vaginal) (Implemented)
- Sex Slaves (Implemented)
- Family Taboo (Implemented)
- Consensual Monster (Implemented)
- MILF (Implemented)
- Ugly Guy with Hot Babe
- Lesbian Scenes
- In-depth Romance with the entire cast of companions
- Corruption
- Wholesome Marriage
- Threesomes and Beyond
- More Consensual and Non-Consensual encounters with monsters like Goblins, Lizards, Werewolves, Dryads, Cthulhu, and much more!
With so much still to be developed, player feedback will never play a more important role than now. So be sure to leave your feedback in the Comments, write a Review, or email me at
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