Hi! I'm new to Superpowers and so far I'm loving everything I'm seeing. I have an absolute noob question, and I apologize if this is just too obvious or has been asked before, but I have not been able to find an answer...
I have been able to download and run Superpowers launcher, and then get this cool interface on my browser (I'm using Ubuntu 16.04, btw), but my question is, is it possible to run Superpowers as an stand-alone app, that is, without the need of the browser? I'd normally assume it's not, but the thing is that every screenshot of the program I see seems to be running on its own window, and not in a browser. I've seen that it the created games can be run as independent apps thanks to Electron, but is it possible to do the same with the engine itself?
I know this is not a big issue at all (probably more of a pet peeve of mine), but I'd just like to know if that's actually something that exists and works or not. Thanks!