This current build includes projectile weapons and pick up, as well as the changes to the menu including the addition of a second play stage.
Team play is supported if the same color is selected no team damage can occur.
version 0.11
Local Multiplayer Fighting Game - Game Controllers only Bots · By
Current build has 3 levels ( Sewer, Dojo, Factory) , 3 game modes (Free for all 2 - 4 players), Team play (4 players) and Ninja Ball (4 players team based).
1st set of Super attacks are present these are powered up by killing opponents also by grabbing any corpse with the grapple or using a sword strike to launch the body into a death trap. The first set of attacks are shuriken based, these can be launched in any direction and they will bounce around the environment killing opponents. These cannot be blocked like sword strikes can they can only be redirected with a timed sword hit. The redirected shuriken will be connected to the player who knocked it applying kills to the new owner, the shuriken will be color coded to the owner and will not harm teammates or the owner.
version 0.14