--------Lots of stuffs is coming in the next update!!!1!--------
As you can see, two updates have been released in less than a month, which the new updates are not so big. But we're going really fast, aren't we?
So anyway, I'm currently working on a new update (v0.3.0)
But most importantly,
The next version will be available for a few weeks or months. Because I am going far real quick. So I have to chill and make the next update look a little different, and must NOT make changes to the game in a rush.
--------Is the next version going to be EXTREMELY different?--------
We don't know yet, but I can show the current changelog so y'all can know if it makes the game a little different
--------Current v0.3.0 Changelog--------
December 6th, 2022
- New custom mouse cursor icon
- Game icon replaced from unity logo with, y'know, this annoying mf too
- "Fade In" transition at start & a backrooms(?) sfx playing in loop in "before start" scene
- New changes to unity splash screen