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I have created a free AI ChatBot which assists with Game Design! 🧠🧩

A topic by Delunado created Dec 15, 2022 Views: 278 Replies: 1
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Hey there! I’ve created a Game Design Assistant using AI and it works pretty good! 😄

You can chat with the bot and ask for advice, getting useful answers, ideas and tips. I’m already using it to dig into a game concept I have in mind, and in a couple minutes It has come up with two incredible ideas that hadn’t occurred to me before 🌟

You can try it for free/no register here! ( Just in case, im not trying to sell anything, I earn nothing with people using it, I just wanted to share & help :} ) 🔽


[Any feedback is appreciated, and any suggestions too! <3]

I am much more interested in the training data than the actual AI bot.  If all the bot is doing is regurgitating mangled design advice from other people, then I'd rather go to the source and get my design advice properly credited and unmangled.