Super, super cool game. Thanks for making it. I kept notes when playing.
(Spoilers for everything!)
backside and finale
By which I meant: it's strange that the exit to the finale is just slightly more obscure than the exit to the backside stages. If it's imitating the early exit from Baba is You, the finale ought to be much more obvious and much easier to reach and beat. If it's meant to be hidden, it ought to be more hidden.
any number of jumps
I was wondering if the protagonist should blow past double jump to infinite jump. Having beaten(?) the demo since, I guess there were three or so stages that would break from this. But the user-convenience might be worth it?
bicolour door label
I forget what these were about. Heh.
operators- the song lyrics are 'that's amore', not 'that's adore'
Deliberately annoying text has unintentionally annoying eggcorn.
confusign- explaining the mechanic in the text kinda sucks. we made this far. give us some credit
The stages immediately before had figuring out the new mechanic be a major part of the challenge. 'Confusign' just yells that answer at you. I guess none or all of them should do that?
picking favorites- much too hard
Actually, I finished the demo without ever beating this one. Maybe there's a trick I didn't see. Maybe it's just too hard for such early placement.
macrocosm- too easy. yes, the text _says_ it might be too easy, but it still feels wrong that it _is_
The flipside of the previous, I guess.
library- too few clears?
The library world only needs six stage clears to advance. It felt like too few at the time, and it still does.
cascade- ahahahahaha YES
Cool stage.
lens of truth real anticlimax
I wrote this before the game even explained how the lens worked. As far as I recall, the game just dumps it on the floor in front of you, explains nothing, and then drops a load of operating instructions on you on the stage where it becomes relevant. Probably could be organised better.
imaginary doors could look cooler
Unique sprites or something?
The quality of the prose dropped off over the course of the game. Yes, it does tell you that's what's happening. But a stage with no text is better than a stage with ha-ha-yes-this-text-is-bad-(pleasedonthitme) text.
I am only mostly sure I beat the demo. Which is awkward. I reached an area with an impassable DEMODEMODEMO wall, a tutorial that doesn't seem to tutorialise or unlock anything, and a second finale which looked far too large and trollish to attempt. (If it unlocks a third half of the game, I guess I'd try it. If it only unlocks a you win screen, I'm happy to say I've already won.)
The megalomaniac scope of the demo being what it is, I have no idea if that's the end or the halfway point. Heh.
This was a kickass puzzle game and you should be proud if it. If my notes look too negative it's only because I didn't write 'wow' and 'cool' everywhere. I'll definitely buy the full version if it appears.