Bugs, errors and unbalance are common problem in game development. You can help the development by posting anomalies you encounter during your game session. Or if you feel the game is too punishing. Every bit of information is appreciated.
I lost several mice to what is sometimes called doubleclick problem. The micro switch has a expected life time in clicks and it gets unreliable after some time. This is seen when holding a click and moving an object. You lose the object on the way. Or you inadvertantly do double clicks instead of single clicks. Sadly manufacturers put in the switches with too little life expectancy... :*-(
Since then I often use windows keyboard mouse and what was known in the 90s as rapid fire on a joystick.
(And even with rapid fire I escape with like 3 pixels left)
Thank you for reporting this issue. It could indeed be related to assets loading. Someone experienced a similar problem and it was fixed by a small optimization. but still most of the assets are initially hidden in inactive objects. Does this issue still occur when you access the gallery? Also, I wanted to clarify that the old APK download is now intended for Pre-2016 32-bit devices.
It seems like lots of other people are experiencing this but on old android apk whenever you finish the into and go into the first shooting part it kicks you out of the game. No matter what patch I play on its the same although I have a feeling its just my phone i am disappointed that I can't play it (my phone is a Samsung galaxy a10 btw)