Just some questions regarding international audience. I understand, that this is still relatively early stage and things might come in the future. I also understand that this is’t designed with an international audience as a goal yet.
Although I ordered the printed version, we will have to get extra sets of character sheets printed sooner or later. The international standard printing format A4 would be really helpful for that.
Although most players at my table are comfortable with english material, sometimes untranslated character sheets lead to confusion, because some players misunderstand a specific word or two. Some players also feel slightly uncomfortable to play with english material. It makes sense for the CBR+PNK world to use lots of anglicisms, but explanations could use translation. Especially on short character sheets I (as a GM) sometimes edit the PDF to provide translated versions to my players. Are you thinking about providing a platform (e.g. Discord and/or Google Drive) for GMs to share their fan translations with each other?