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The Fermi Paradox ( Early Access )

A narrative strategy game in which your decisions in one corner of the galaxy can upend entire civilizations in another. · By The Fermi Paradox

Eros Update - 0.69 - Hedonistic Worlds

A topic by The Fermi Paradox created Jan 16, 2023 Views: 169 Replies: 1
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Dear Fermi Community,

Our first update of 2023 is out. We did some work on our internal systems and took some time to add some long requested convenience features. Now the game can be played with mouse and controllers and we added a new status system to add or remove special conditions to a civilization depending on choices made in the game. 

For starters we played around with the "Hedonistic Society" status which marks that the culture of a civilization became focused on pleasure and passion. For this reason we also added a new event type the "Disarmament Event" that lowers the harm potential of a civilization. With the rework of the alien contact event from the Jupiter update and the upcoming "Robot Uprisings" the harm potential value will have more significance than in earlier versions.

Also we optimised the size of the game so it will not take away 10 GB on your hard drives anymore.

Early Acess Build - 0.69.K.6 ( Eros Update )

  • Background Art : New “The Dancers of Sirius" picture
  • Background Art : New “The Fallen Colony" picture
  • Background Art : New “Global Protests" picture
  • Background Art : New "Voyage of the Titans" picture
  • Background Art : New “Abandoned Highway" picture
  • New Sol System Event "The Pleasures of Eros"
  • New Sol System Event "Showdown at Eros"
  • New Stone Age Event "Geoglyphs"
  • New Stone Age Event "Complex Burial Rites"
  • New Stone Age Event "Nomadic Agriculture"
  • New Stone Age Event "Sacred Prey"
  • New Stone Age Event "Trap Labyrinths"
  • New Stone Age Event "Dead Rivers"
  • New Bronze Age Event "Axiology"
  • New Bronze Age Event "The Great Dams"
  • New Bronze Age Event "The Golden Leader"
  • New Digital Age Event "Photovoltaic Power"
  • New Digital Age Event "Green Politics"
  • New Cyber Age Event "Freedom to Maintain"
  • New Cyber Age Event "Garbage Eaters"
  • New Cyber Age Event "Moon Concrete"
  • New Solar Age Event "Photon Sails"
  • New Solar Age Event "Marine Energy Network"
  • New Solar Age Event "Robotic Replacement"
  • New Solar Age Event "Pararobotic Relationships"
  • New Solar Age Event "The Laws of Robotics"
  • New Garden Planet Event "The Pleasure Planet"
  • New Colony Event "The Wild Colony"
  • New Follow Up Event - Hedonistic Society Status "Expel the Deviants"
  • New Follow Up Event - Hedonistic Society Status "The Philosophy of Pleasure"
  • New Follow Up Event - Hedonistic Society Status "Signaling Interest"
  • New Follow Up Event - Hedonistic Society Status "The End of Deviancy"
  • New Follow Up Event - Hedonistic Society Status "Pleasure Optimization"
  • New Follow Up Event - Hedonistic Society Status "Indecent Aliens"
  • New Follow Up Event - Hedonistic Society Status "The Last Embrace"
  • Reworked Contact Event "Culture Clash" 
  • Reworked Contact Event "Perilous Transformations" 
  • Reworked Tech Level Event "The FTL Age" 
  • New Event Type : Disarmament The opposite of the Power event - the options reduce the Harm Potential instead of increasing it. For now we added just a few of these events but in future updates there will be more.
  • New Feature : Status Effects

In Addition to changing values like research or resources an event can apply or remove a status from a civilization. This enables us to create more specific followup events; block events that do not make sense for a civilization with this status or even create longer event chains.

The status can be seen in an info window when hovering with the mouse over the name of the civilization and as a symbol in the choice windows that would remove or add the status.

As a testrun we added the "Hedonistic Society" status that is granted in events like "Goddess of Love" , "Sexual Revolution" , "Pleasure Bots" , "Space Swingers" … etc

We added 7 follow up events that only get triggered for civilizations with this status.

We will add more different statuses in future updates. 

  • Interface : Keyboard and Controller Input is now recognized by the game. Mouse Over text windows next to the buttons show which hotkey is assigned to which function.

Note : The collection of flares can not be done with keyboard or controller, since we plan to rework the flare system in the next update.

  • Optimization : We reduced the disk space the game needs to 1.9 GB
  • Text : New Terms for Leaders, Governments, Settlements etc for all Stone Age to Industrial Age Paradigm Shift events.
  • Text : Scientific Building Names for Ancient Civilizations were added
  • Bugfix - Captured Spaceships are not counted internally as colonies anymore and can not trigger colony specific events like Send Signal that would crash when applied on a star ship.
  • Bugfix - Technology Age gain of of the Interspecies Integration event is shown correctly now
  • Bugfix - Rings of Planet in the Rigel System is now shown correctly 
  • Bugfix - The Status "Desert Planet Origin" and "Herbivore" was not correctly applied to the Prun species but now it is fixed
  • Bugfix - The "Answer Signal" event sometimes sent a signal to the wrong civilization. Now it will always send it back to the original sender.
  • Bugfix - Mouseover Text for Retreat and Small Crew Conflict Contact followup events now shows the correct amount of research gain.

We uploaded a hotfix

Early Access Build - 0.69.M.2

  • Bugfix - Fixed issue with the variable database that removed names and flare tags from aquatic and primordial world ancient ages
  • Bugfix - God variables for the Monotheism events are fixed
  • Bugfix - The "Pleasures of Eros" event can now only happen in the Sol System
  • Status Effect - The top event of "Fertility Rites" grants the "Hedonistic Society" status