By Sebastian Lague
I know you can connect two in's to a out, but the sim freaks out and cant decided to be on or off (Superposition lol) making it nearly impossible to use. Did I miss a built in gate or is there a trick to making it work
A -> NOT -> !A -> NOT -> AB -> NOT -> !B -> NOT -> BConnect A and B after two not gates
it doesnt work
To make an Or
Input A --> Not \
Nand --> Output
Input B --> Not /
To make a Nand:
Input A \
And --> Not --> Output
Input B /
or just:
that works too, but you want a nand gate if you want to make more advanced projects and dont want to have to do and --> not every time
@Xarrak Works perfect, thank you
heres it in picture form for anyone- definitely not the be