Not asking for hints, just want to know if anyone else is stuck on these.
5-B, 6-10, Ultimate Door Logic, 7-10, 7-A, 7-B, 7-D, 7-E, 9-E, 10-10, 10-C, Puebzngvp Zbabyvgu (rot13)
A strange puzzle game about matching colored keys and doors. · By
I've actually managed to solve every single level except Chromatic Monolith on this list at least once, and I have solved all of them except 9-E and Chromatic Monolith on my current save (I did something very dumb with the one where I solved 9-E, so I had to make a new one)
I'm at 6 puzzles before fully completing now, and my currently incomplete levels are (base64) OS1FLCBDaHJvbWF0aWMgTW9ub2xpdGgsIE9tZWdhLTUsIE9tZWdhLTE0LCBPbWVnYS0xNiwgT21lZ2EtT21lZ2E=.