I'm really looking to be part of my first project and help out on something cool. I can do many different styles of art including concept, 2D, anime, pixel, etc. in different capacities. My favorite styles are cutesie/pastel mobile-game vibes so I'll be extra excited about those types of ideas. I enjoy writing and characters/quests are some of my favorites to revolve a piece around. I'm also familiar with many different programming languages like Python and C++, but haven't compiled that knowledge into a project yet (so consider me a beginner). I want to hone my skills and commit to something to get my brain on track with projects again because I really miss having something to focus on. I can do SFW and NSFW and am open to all types of themes and genres of game. I can do a mock up of writing or art and can show original pieces as well to get an idea of what I can do. Send me a message on Discord at SydTheAlien#4122 with your idea!
I work a normal job with sometimes extended hours so please be patient and help keep me on track!