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A topic by ArcturusForge created Feb 07, 2023 Views: 160
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Developer (10 edits)

Update Release Plans:

I plan to limit updates on itch to around once at the end of the week. I do this because no one enjoys notification spam and it makes updates more meaningful to download rather than having everyone download an update everyday. Of course you can get the latest progress by cloning my git repo so even if there is no updated version here you can still get the latest work there.

I'm not saying there will be weekly updates for certain but if I've made progress that is stable and ready for release then there will be an update at the end of that week.

Made With:

Godot Engine


Planned Updates:

  • Grid Editor for connectable nodes (A category window style)
  • Quality of Life mk1 (Small user experience improvement)
    • Options shortcuts
  • Plugin System
    • A working plugin system that loads and unloads plugins.
    • Plugin entry into the LoreKeeper tutorial.
  • QoL mk2
    • Cache entry editor position. (Stops view resetting when you leave and return to an entry)