Varea marriagge, jeanne maeriagge was a supprise but sadly varea don't have it even the upadte about them, i hope we can married her in future update
Hard to,unlike other girls she made it more specific that she's using Ryen for sex purpose and not other usual way,and she isn't even type to fall in love or something,and she's queen of amagal,who's war story is more focused and already a pre-alpha system is made for,i think a war with her is more near than a possible marriage.
Dunno, Varea marriage May be faster than war. In second scene with Jeannie she drop some hints, that she's not against it, also war with Begus in pre alpha as well. And unlike Amagal, who basically close themself from outside world, Begus got the church with archbishop, who always be danger to both Ryen (simply cuz he's a demon) and Jeanie (simply cuz powerplay, arcbishop want her under church influence). And yeah, church have big numbers in followers / crusaders / some angels, who gives angry look on other "lesser" races, instead of taking care about Begus undead problem
that's what I said, marriage with Jeanne was a surprise but a possibility,simply because main villain could be made church and war against church instead of whole begus,but in amagal,varea is queen and by pre- alpha war system for amagal focused i meant,there is only vanguard battle available for amagal,so i guess it's currently more focused on war against amagal than marriage with varea,well it's on Dev's hand,i would prefer a peace treaty even with dorgania king(off course it doesn't have anything to do with palasha 馃槅馃槅)
But on serious note a peace unity and combining kingdom of all together without destruction would be better.
Well, i think a peace solution with merging all countries into one, or all around alliance is good and all that, but again we have problem with Begus. Jeanie marriage was secret because of church, the archbishop will get all furious, once he find out, and any alliance, or even better merging with Central is are big no no for him. So he needs to be removed from power, maybe by killing or blackmail or some other "heavy" measures. Then again, you need to make dorgania King accept new reality, i doubt he will agree on alliance, just to be second figure in this alliance. There's also problem with Varea, she's still new queen, so she can't make such decision out of nothere, and of course don't forget their traditions, how she become queen exactly. It's only a matter of time, before some wannabe king challenge her for the throne.