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I Wanna Lockpick

A strange puzzle game about matching colored keys and doors. · By LAWatson

Division Derision CUSTOM LEVEL

A topic by JustImagineIt created Feb 26, 2023 Views: 474 Replies: 9
Viewing posts 1 to 3
(3 edits) (+1)

Maybe you were waiting for the full version for a level editor. However, we already have a functional tool for levels! It's not perfect, like having no undo (which is why we might want something separate for a full release).



I got the editor from here:


Kinda screwed up with v2 making it impossible... only really changed two or three doors so I don't think I need to post the file.

(1 edit) (+1)

Is that Glitch All + Blast Pure door supposed to make an impassable chasm once opened? KeyTool's infinite jumps glitch (basically, doors are treated as ground even once they're destroyed, allowing you to jump infinitely as long as you're touching a location a door once was) allows you to cross the chasm anyways, but I suspect that's not intended, and I'd like to make sure that using said glitch is not part of the solution.

EDIT: I finished the level, and I’d say this was a really good puzzle. Use ROT13 to decode my following comments:

Guvf chmmyr, yvxr znal bs V Jnaan Ybpxcvpx’f orfg chmmyrf, unq n shaqnzragny ernyvmngvba gung jnf gur znva gevpx gb gur chmmyr (va guvf pnfr, gung ernyvmngvba jnf gung gur gnfx jnf gb zngpu gur ahzoref sebz 2 gb 12 jvgu gurve zhygvcyrf va gur 90-100 enatr bs tvira xrlf), ohg rira bapr gung ernyvmngvba vf sbhaq, gurer ner n srj fyvpx qrgnvyf gb qvfpbire nybat gur jnl (hfvat gur Tyvgpu Oynfg Qbbe ba Plna jura lbh unir rvgure fvk be rvtug Cher Xrlf, fxvccvat gur gjryir Cher Xrl ebhaq ol hfvat Oebja n frpbaq gvzr, rgp.). Gurer jnf bar onq cneg, gubhtu: guvf chmmyr fubjf gung XrlGbby’f ynpx bs na haqb vf n znwbe vffhr, nf gurer jrer ng yrnfg svir gvzrf gung V zrffrq hc rira nsgre V unq svtherq bhg gur fbyhgvba, sbepvat zr gb erfrg naq fvg guebhtu bire n uhaqerq qbbe qrfgehpgvbaf nyy bire ntnva. Gung’f abg lbhe snhyg, bs pbhefr, vg’f whfg fbzrguvat V srry yvxr V arrq gb cbvag bhg.

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No, I had no idea that glitch was a thing and should not be considered okay. Although honestly in retrospect, I think that pit door might be completely optional. Thanks for playing my level!

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Wait, I just translated your text, and you shouldn't have been able to use the brown aura for anything. Guess I gotta  update the puzzle... The good news is I can remove extra elements. I think you could use the brown door for every. single. door.

(1 edit)

I've now beaten v4; here's more ROT13 comments

V yvxr guvf irefvba orggre; fxvccvat n fvatyr bar bs gur Cher Xrl pbhagf (cerfhznoyl 6 be 8, gubhtu 9 be 12 nyfb jbexf) fb lbh pna trg gb 13 naq trg evq bs Benatr (guhf yrnivat 7 sbe Oynpx) vf n orggre fbyhgvba (va zl bcvavba) gura hfvat gur Oebja nhen gb whfg fxvc ahzoref ragveryl. Ubjrire, gurer pbhyq fgvyy or na vffhr urer: gung -1 Znfgre -> Cher qbbe pbhyq or hfrq va gur zvqqyr bs qenvavat n pbybe, nyybjvat lbh gb (sbe rknzcyr) hfr n pbzovangvba bs 2f naq 3f (be 3f naq 4f, be 4f naq 5f, naq fb ba) ba n fvatyr pbybe, juvpu fbeg bs tbrf ntnvafg gur cbvag bs gur chmmyr. Vg jbhyq or arng gb rafher gung gung -1 Znfgre -> Cher qbbe pna bayl or hfrq evtug nsgre (be evtug orsber) qrfgeblvat n pbcl bs gur ovt Cher Xrl vapernfvat qbbe, ohg V'z abg fher ubj lbh'q qb gung. Gung orvat fnvq, gnxvat nqinagntr bs guvf bcgvba pbhyq znxr n uneqre irefvba bs gur chmmyr: vs gur Tyvgpu Oynfg Qbbe jnf ercynprq jvgu n frpbaq -1 Znfgre -> Cher qbbe, lbh'q or sbeprq gb hfr guvf bcgvba sbe Plna Xrlf, naq cebonoyl sbe fbzr bgure Xrl pbybe nf jryy. V jbaqre vs gung irefvba bs gur chmmyr jbhyq or cbffvoyr?

Nyfb, bhg bs phevbfvgl, jung jnf gur vagraqrq fbyhgvba gb i1? V qba'g frr n jnl gb trg gb tnva na rkgen Cher Xrl, naq guhf trg gb 13 Cher Xrlf, fb rnfvyl va gur bevtvany irefvba bs gur chmmyr...

RQVG: Nyfb, jul qvq lbh nqq n guveq artngvir Znfgre Xrl orgjrra gur irefvbaf? V qba'g frr jul gur Znfgre Xrl nzbhag unq gb or vapernfrq.

(5 edits)

the intended solution for v1 was the intended solution for v4, I just stupidly forgot the most forgettable number. I needed to playtest all the way through 

If you use the bicolor pure/gold door, you lose the color mimic. Originally I had a pure key but I sneakily replaced it after launch. May still have to replace things because of brown, because the imaginary component can do dangerous things. Alas.

Gur plna xrlf ner n cevzr ahzore zrnavat gurer vf ab jnl gb renfr gurz haqre gur cerfrag flfgrz. Gnyxvat nobhg cerfragf, lbh pna hfr gur rkgen artngvir znfgre xrl gb pbcl gur oynfg qbbe vs lbh arrq gb cenpgvpr. Znlor abg n ernyyl orarsvpvny guvat, ohg url, V unq gur vzchyfr 

V xarj nobhg gur cevzr ahzore guvat; jung V jnf fnlvat jnf gung jvgu gur ovpbybe cher/tbyq qbbe, gung pbhyq or tbggra nebhaq. Lbh znxr n tbbq cbvag nobhg gur pbybe zvzvp, gubhtu, fb gung vqrn jbhyqa'g jbex.


Solved V4 just now. Very neat puzzle, although quite dastardly as well, especially with all the number crunching I had to work out. My solution ended up not using the Combo Brown+Pure or the Brown Exact -1. Not sure if I got an alt or if those were meant as some form of anti-cheese. If the latter though, then I might be able to implement a cleaner version of it into the game using some new mechanics from Part 2.

For posterity, my solution was (rot13) Terra Erq Checyr Oyhr (Plna Oynfg) Oynpx (Cher +1) Juvgr Tyvgpu Oebja Cvax Benatr

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Brown combo door was anti -cheese. Unfortunately it might fail at that purpose. The exact key was a gift so that you could use brown before glitch if you wanted, although you didn't need to.

Thanks for playing my level! I have a lot more levels I hope to share!