I'll admit it, I came to this jam with high ambition - the highest. As a hobbyist gamedev designer I have a lot of docs sitting around and ideas in my head and bits of projects I've started over the last 3 years in Godot and Javascript / HTML. One of those was called Three World Champion, it was your standard roguelike, then I wanted a choose your own victory system with morality. Eventually it became a MMO that would use a system like Crypt of the Necrodancer. Glad I shelved that idea early on for this jam, it was like 5 AM into day 0 that I decided I should rein back.
So what's that picture above? That's a random walk script in Godot that takes 1000 in four cardinal directions then calls it a day. So far that's all the procgen has to do and then on top the map picks random empty spaces, feeds it to a global autoload script and the main game sets everything up. The game is live now, just to have something out there and is on my github as well.
Will I finish? Technically yes, but I'll have to label it incomplete from what I have now. For a weekend jam I'm slow. For a 7 day jam, I have just enough time to get something interesting I hope. I just need to cram for a day or two to turn what looks good to what plays good.