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This Island Comes with me JAM II (submissions between 1st April and May 1st)

A topic by KrisseAappenaTuominen created Mar 10, 2023 Views: 1,244 Replies: 22
Viewing posts 1 to 23
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This Island Comes with me JAM II

"This Island Comes with me JAM II" is a beginner-friendly Free-Spirited Jam for making and publishing (TT)RPG & Storytelling Games (including journaling) & gaming material

On International Women's Day, ended submissions for the first This Island Comes with Me JAM.  The second jam ( opens for submissions on April the 1st (April Day and April Fools Day),  and the last submission day is May the 1st, on Labou'rs Day. You can join, or leave, the jam whenever You feel like it.

The Jam Page

There's already an Inspirational material list for this jam, to spark up your imagination :-)

For the first jam, Jam runner and curator Krisse Tuominen made an information and material package, to help people who wanted to join the jam. It is a very helpful package for the second one, too. It is freely available for anyone,   CHECK IT OUT! <3 There will be updated info and material package for this second jam, too. Available, as soon as possible <3

For whom is this for?

This Island Comes with me Jam II  is meant for everyone who wants to participate! This can be your first jam, your 1001st jam, or your last jam. You can be a beginning jammer or a veteran jammer. You can be a starting writer, artist, game designer, or a person who has published this and that here and there. I really honestly do mean, everyone who wants to participate, can participate!

Anyone can submit to a game jam. To submit a game it must be public and free to download (That's the default by Pay what you want as a "price" is obviously ok, too.

What kind of material is this for?

This Island Comes with me Jam II is a jam meant for making and publishing (Tabletop) Role-Playing Games & Storytelling Games, including journaling games. So your submission(s) can be in many formats. 

Your submission can be in any digital form that supports. It can be a tabletop RPG-styled digital game or it can be a concrete tabletop roleplaying game played with pen & paper. Your game can be a storytelling game in your preferred format. Your game can be a card game or a board game. It can be a dice game. It can be Live Action Role-Playing rules or LARP adventure. Or it can be a web-based story and adventure game. Your game can be in a fanzine format. Your game can be a journaling game. Your game can be a solo game, a 1+1 game, a 1 vs 1, or a group-play game.

It doesn't even have to be a game per se. It can be an adventure supplement or a module for an existing game. Or it can be an art pack for gamers or game publishers.  Or some kind of generator tool. 

The material you submit to this jam can be a thematical guide for LARPing. Or LARP documentation. Or maybe a journal book made for RPG and journaling games.  Or perhaps, your music soundtrack for use in playing sessions. Or pictures of your drawings. Maybe some kind of a puzzle and or playbook.

Your material can be a Work In Progress and You can update it while jamming, or even after the jam. Your submitted material can be a first draft or an early sketch. It can be a test file or a playtest. Or a DEMO. It can be an SRD. It also can be a prototype!

It can be even a series of photos of your notes and sketches. Or a picture of a drawing. Or an ashcan. Or a muck picture. So, submitting something unfinished is Totally Fine.

To submit a game/your material, it must be public and free to download (That's the default by  Pay what you want as a "price" is obviously ok, too.

  • No hatred or discrimination: no racism, misogyny, transphobia, ableism, specism, sexism, or homophobia - we're here to help build a better world, not ruin the one we've got.  

If it is ok for and it does not break any laws, it is just fine by meSo basically, as a game jam curator, I am very open to many kinds of submissions.

If You feel, your material is meant for the jam, then it is and I suggest You submit it. And then tell about it to us, your fellow jammers. 

The whole point of this jam is to be able to offer a theme, time, and a virtual place to get yourself to do, finish and publish something... like anything. :-) 

Is there a certain theme and how can I interpret it?

This Island Comes with me Jam carries proudly its theme, openly, on its name. The theme is: "This Island Comes with me". Or if You like the theme in a briefer form: "This Island". Or just simply "The Island". 

It can be a real place where You have been and have nice memories. Or it can be a fantasy island that exists only in your imagination. Or in a shared experience at a gaming table. Or something in between, or some kind of a mix of all those. 

Or maybe it is not exactly an island at all. The Island is actually some kind of haven. A safe place to be: your favorite library, attic on your friend's house, a nice corner of a nearby park. A good fond memory that soothes You. A portal in form of a painting of an island. A poem or a song. A sermon. A sacred scripture. A glowing Exit sign on a place that you otherwise hate. A friendly face in a crowd.

So the Island can be many things. It can be a literal island. Or it can be a metaphorical island. Or some kind of figurative concept. You can see the theme as You choose, want, or how it pleases You most.

After all, it is Your Island. The Island that comes with You. So let Your Island be Anything You want or need it to be. Take it, use it, mold it, and interpret it as You want.

Here's already a frequently updated Inspirational material list for this jam, to spark your creativity to flow :-)

Check out also the INSPIRATION list for the previous Jam! It has very useful content for this jam, too... 

Why does this Jam exist?

Because I strongly feel there is a real need for it. The whole point of this jam is to be able to offer a theme (check it above), time (check below), and a virtual place ( and this Jam) to get myself & I, You and yourself, and us all in this jam,  to do, finish and publish something... like anything. :-) And to have fun while at it.

Your material can be fun, quirky, perky, sad, glorious,  weird, odd, cool, witty, clip & paste, click & paste, totally full of outsider and misfit experiences, it can be Queer, can be LbthgiqaT+, can be about AD(H)D experiences, can be about Autistic spectrum, can be about living with disabilities, on poverty, on mental health, on health issues, on Love and Loving, on Loneliness, On Discrimination... or a fantastic fantasy trip about trans wizard lizard mutant kids on a field trip of their lives.

So all I am saying is don't let your or anyone else's imagination be a restrictive element. Let your mind, fantasies, thoughts, imaginations, and everything move, jump, run, fly, and crawl FREE!

As a game jam curator, I am very open to many kinds of submissions. If You feel, at all, that your material is meant for the jam, then it is and I suggest You submit it <3

When can I send my submission for the jam?

Starting time for your submissions 2023-04-01 00:00:00

Ending time, the Deadline for submitting your submissions is 2023-05-01 23:47:42

Any restrictions for the submission? Or any other notable things?

  • No hatred or discrimination: no racism, misogyny, transphobia, ableism, specism, sexism, or homophobia - we're here to help build a better world, not ruin the one we've got.  
  • Needs to be in a format that supports (PDF, JPG, ZIP, etc...)
  • The product should be free during the jam so everyone can check out it and comment about it. Plus that's the default in's jam rules.
  • The Product can be Pay What You Want / Taking Donations product, during the Jam
OTHERWISE, You can pretty much submit anything.

Don't shy to use the JAM tags: #ThisIslandComesWithMeJAMII  #thisislandcomeswithmejam 


Wishes Krisse Tuominen,

The Leading Game Jammer of this Game Jam :-)
Or in other words,  the curator who had the idea to make this jam...

This Island Comes with me JAM II

Don't shy to use the JAM tags: #ThisIslandComesWithMeJAMII  #thisislandcomeswithmejam 

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The Inspirational Material list has been updated more than a few time, so go and check the updated list...

and get inspired <3

Once again, did update The Inspirational Material list. Hopefully, You check it out and get inspired <3

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Hola, Allo, Hello, Hallo, Hi, Howdy, and Hey!

Under two weeks before you can start submitting your jam works for the This Island Comes with me JAM II. So, the natural thing is to release now the second theme for the jam :-)

To more Experienced Jammers, and to those who seek something extra for their jam, I am proudly announcing the second theme! Or a diversifier, if you want to call it that :-) And it is APRIL'S FOOLS.

Howdy, Hi, and Hello all You Nice People Out There!

Once again, I updated The Inspirational Material list. Hopefully, You'll check it out and get inspired <3

There's a bit more than one day before the jam's submissions start and you are free to make your submissions to the jam.

So now is a perfect time to check out the jam and join in!

I also updated the frequently updated, Inspirational Material list.

Hopefully, You'll check it out and get inspired <3

Join the Fun!

Submissions are open from April 1st 2023 at 12:00 AM to May 1st 2023 at 11:47 PM

Starts in 9 hours 26 minutes.

Come join the fun!

For Your easy access to jam and to help you to join the jam, there's a material package for your use. It is freely available for anyone,   CHECK IT OUT! <3 

Jam starts in 13 minutes, so come in and have fun with us! <3

I had the great honor to have a Q n A -session about This Island Comes with Me JAM II.
Behind the link is the Q n A -session in blog text form... Hopefully You enjoy it! <3


 Edited some typing mistakes. Changed some really weird wordings to some that are as funky but that is also easier to understand.

Also edited the jam tag word list.

Added my e-mail contact for people who prefer e-mail messaging over forum messaging. And to everyone, really.

Aaaaand, once again, I also edited and updated the Informational and Inspirational List for the Jammers topic. Some more reference game material and some music to make your flow start to flood :-)

Have Fun!

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Hello, Howdy, Hi, and Hey You nice people!

I am happy that there are very nice people interested in my humble intent of a jam. I feel good about how cool and caring people have joined the jam. Quite many have shared their plans for their jam submissions. And there are three submissions already. Also,  there is very exciting material under work and on its way. Thanks, people, You all are Awesome!

Material to help you

For easy access to jam and to help you to join the jam, there's a material package for your use. It is freely available for anyone,   CHECK IT OUT! <3 

We also have also frequently edited and updated, the Informational and Inspirational List for the Jammers -topic.

There's even more info and inspirational material available because I had the great honor to have a Q n A -session about This Island Comes with Me JAM II.  Behind the link is the Q&A -session in blog text form... Hopefully, You enjoy it! <3

Let's have an awesome jam together,
Wishes Krisse Tuominen,

The Leading Game Jammer of this Game Jam :-) Or in other words,  the curator who had the idea to make this jam...

This Island Comes with Me JAM II

Don't shy to use the JAM tags: #ThisIslandComesWithMeJAMII  #thisislandcomeswithmejam 

Hello, You Awesome People out there <3

I want to inform You all, very humbly, courteously, and kindly, that there are now already four submissions on This Island Comes with Me JAM II. 

Please, feel free to check out all these submissions. And all the entries coming in the future.

Also, I want to mention, that all the submissions are great, wholesome, and awesome!  This right here is also very much a tear-flood gate opener and it really hit me home on so many levels. I wish You could have the time to check it out. It really is something very special <3 and Hopefully either one of the links opens well on your machine. <3

And remember that all of you out there are free to join the jam Join the fun! <3

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H'ell'o'Ha, You are All Nice and Cool People out there <3

Very humbly, I want to inform You all Fine people, that we have more than 21 one days to submit our material to the jam. And we have already five submissions on This Island Comes with Me JAM II.  Please, feel free to check out all these submissions. Those are all Great Stuff. Feel Free to Check Out all the entries coming in the future.

And remember that all of you out there are free to join the jam 

It is Good to know, that there is info- and material packet available for the jam. And it is completely free.

So, what are You waiting for anymore? Come and join the fun! <3

Jam Material submissions for the This Island Comes with Me JAM II, are open until May 1st, 2023 at 11:47 PM. That means we have a bit more than 19 days in our hands to make and submit our material to the jam. 

So, pretty much time to write our poems, draw our maps, make our short stories and game materials ready, and to be submitted. We can make it! 

Feel Free To Join The Fun!

I'll link to this here, also. Check it out :-)

Hello, You wonderful Personality!  

How Are You Doing Out There in the Wild World, called Life as we know it?

There are still more than 15 days to make your material and submit them to the This Island Comes with Me JAM II... 

Come and Join the circ.. the carn.. the FUN! <3

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We have more than 7 days to go to submit our submission, 7 joined jammers jamming in the jam, and already 6 products submitted to the jam. Amazing <3

 Feel free to check out our small and humble jam, join the jam, start jamming, and join the fun.

For Your Information:

There are 13 peeps who joined the jam, 7 works submitted, and still more than 6 days to join the jam

Feel free to check out our small and humble jam, join the jam, start jamming, and join the fun.

I am not just curating and running the jam. I am also game jamming in it as a paricipant.

Now I loaded the first sketch pdf, of my We are the Island RPG, for you to download...

It is merely a first raw draft and a messy concept sketch but is at least something I was able to let myself show to You all the Beautiful Nice People in Other kinds of peeps can check it out, too :-)

YOHOOOO!!!!! This is a REMINDER!  Submissions for the jam, are, open from April 1st, 2023 at 12:00 AM to May 1st, 2023 at 11:47 PM

So, RIGHT NOW, the Submissions are  due in 3 days 3 hours 30 minutes

There are 13 peeps who joined the jam, 7 works submitted, and still more than 3 days to join the jam

Feel free to check out our small and humble jam, join the jam, start jamming, and join the fun.

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YEYEEEEEEHAAAA Folkos and Folkerinas!!!!! 

This is an Official and Urgent REMINDER for the game jammers!

There are 13 peeps who have joined the jam, 8 works submitted, and still, more than 2 days to join the jam

Submissions for the jam, are, open from April 1st, 2023 at 12:00 AM to May 1st, 2023 at 11:47 PM

So, RIGHT NOW, the Submissions for the jam are due in 2 days and 9 hours and a about 20 minutes

Feel free to check out our small and humble jam, join the jam, start jamming, and join the fun

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Woooohoo, here we Go!!!!! We are living in the End Times... 

..of the This Island Comes with Me JAM II

This is an Official and Urgent REMINDER for the game jammers! 

There are 13 peeps who have joined the jam, 8 works submitted, and there still are more than 1 day to join the jam

Submissions for the jam, are, open from April 1st, 2023 at 12:00 AM to May 1st, 2023 at 11:47 PM

So, RIGHT NOW, the Submissions for the jam are due in 1 day 7 hours 30 minutes

Feel free to check out our small and humble jam, join the jam, start jamming, and join the fun

Yes, we did it together! <3

The This Island Comes With Me JAM II is over. 

15 joined and 12 submissions. <3

People have already asked about the next jam... 

I am very open to running and curating "This Island Comes With Me JAM III". 

Although, I really Gotta get some sleep and then think it over.