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A topic by edg3 created Mar 11, 2023 Views: 99 Replies: 1
Viewing posts 1 to 2

(yes, 1 word name)

  • 2023/03/02-03 – Get base fonts renderer into eVX for the first time; design game through questions asked from OpenAI.
  • 2023/03/04 – Roguelike Start around 7am: The data-oriented save was created in around 1 hour.
  • 2023/03/05 – The buggy floor render was worked on; the bug fixed end of day: forgot to set ‘MapTileID‘.
  • 2023/03/06 – The character structure was created, the player created as a character, then added buggy movement through doors to adjacent tiles.
  • 2023/03/07 – Sorted eVX font rendering more, sorted all bugs I found as much as possible, added starting UI.
  • 2023/03/08 – Started enemy spawns, only added Rodent from position 0 in sprite.
  • 2023/03/09 – Started combat; added dice for combat rolls, like I wanted.
  • 2023/03/10 – Got combat sorted; realised doors had another bug – used same ‘X’ for top, and bottom; fixed eVX font resizing; added base vision limits; added damage messages; started my own map generation code – as buggy as it is, incomplete – “Pendragon” is the name I gave it; added enemy base info sharing.
  • 2023/03/11 – 1 commit; 3 hours before the first commit on 2023/03/04 – stopped seed sticking to ‘0’ and it made me see there’s more broken in my generation… As amusing as that is, done for now for the submission.

It's incomplete, mind you, but this is just to share as far as I got. If you'd like to know more, as here, or take a glance.

Totally didnt know about this forum or could have posted progress each day here, lol

Updated today, got the path finding in - next is AI and then items. Then can make the enemies start to destroy the world!