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Pathogen-X [Demo]

Retrieve the vaccine to a deadly mutative virus. · By sodaraptor, ragnaroksixx

MGS1 Assets and references

A topic by Sumire's Husbando created Mar 15, 2023 Views: 322 Replies: 2
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From the elevator opening to the PlayStation console on the desk in reference to Shadow Moses, the game made good use of it's Shadow Moses/Umbrella Corp crossover well. Several of the dead soldiers were modded snake skin models, and the main character skin was a modded version of Leon's from RE2 and Solid Snakes from MGS1(PS). I think even the lockers were reused in this game, as well as the way objects would blink and disappear after being shot off a shelf.


Hi Ronin- thanks. All assets used in the game's demo were created from scratch.

Oh damn, the Mandela effect is at play heavily, I swore they were from the game.

Did you have any plans to implement a hide feature maybe? Multiplayer?