If you use a separate punch/tok and tail, is it possible to pitch the punch/tok with midi as it is if you don't use a separate one ? That would be a useful feature. Otherwise adding reverb to the punch/tok adds reverb to it all.
I'm not sure I understand the question. If you want to pitch the punch separately from the tail, there is currently no feature for that in Nimble Kick. It's a frequently asked for feature though, so I might still introduce it at some point.
Yeah that's exactly what I meant, pitching the punch seperately, this would allow the reverb to be applied to the punch only and not effect the whole kick and also the verb would be pitched for just the punch. I can only currently do this to a certain extent in Kontakt.
How does it know if you don't set the punch ? I have to remove the marker for the punch so I can pitch it. So how can it determine the correct punch section unless I mark it ?