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60 Years in Space

An extremely crunchy d6-based hard sci-fi table top roleplaying game. · By

Will early access purchase allow me to download final versions for free?

A topic by emmaus63 created Mar 21, 2023 Views: 158 Replies: 2
Viewing posts 1 to 3

I am interested in purchasing the first two/three documents. However, I have the 4th edition of High Frontier. From what I understand, the documents are sold in the form of early access: does this mean that when their final versions aligned with the 4th edition of HF are released, I will be able to download the new versions for free without having to repeat the purchase?


My thinking at this stage is that the HF4All versions will be a separate edition because of the volume of terminology changes needed; and I might have to do a kickstarter in order to fund making these changes. So at this stage I can’t promise that the documents you purchase will include this.

However, I am thinking of releasing a (slightly more expensive) Infinite edition which will effectively buy electronic copies of both editions in advance - if and when they are produced. Would that work for you?

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Other changes such as proofing edits, player aids, and the starting scenario I’m working on at the moment will be free to download once the game goes from Early access to full release for people who have already purchased this. The way I have sold the game may involve me having to issue out discount coupons in order to achieve this, as there will be a price increase.