Wanted to try this out since Godot 4.0 seems to have an issue with a negative X scaling. However, the current download for the 4.0 Free Release seems to be a ZIP of 2.4.0 and not 2.7.0 for Godot 4.0.
Enhanced IK for the Godot game engine · By
Where are you seeing the version 2.4.0? That version is rather old and definitely does not work with Godot 4.0.
Is that based on the plugin configuration file? If so, the following plugin config file is probably out of date, as it’s likely I forgot to update it. If it runs in Godot 4.0 in any capacity without needing the project converter though, it is version 2.7.0 as that is (currently) the only version with Godot 4.0 support.
Yes, I found it in the configuration file. No, it does not run in Godot 4.0 and fails to compile with about 85 errors. Most of them are trivial renames, like Texture -> Texture2D, or "missing partial modifier on declaration of type", however some of your core classes also seem to be missing methods / suitable overrides. I assumed that since this was mostly a simple refactor (plus the config file) that the old version was uploaded.
If that was not the case and is indeed the correct version, then it no longer compiles on Godot 4.0
I just checked and confirmed you are correct. When I went to zip the files for release, I accidentally copied the Godot 3.X files instead of the Godot 4.X files.
The plugin will still incorrectly indicate the version, but the files should be correct now.
I will add a note on the announcement stating the wrong versions were accidentally uploaded (with proper credits and link to this thread).
Thanks again!