I think my game is bugged.
First, it’s always Monday. If I go to sleep Monday evening, I will wake Monday evening. If I wait a little while, it becomes Monday morning. If I’m in the plaza, Monday afternoon becomes Monday morning without evening ever happening. As a consequence, rent is due every day, even the day after I paid. As a positive, rent is always $200, even if I miss a few days.
Second, every time I use the online shop (maybe outside it, too; I forgot to check), my money drops to $0 before I have a chance to buy anything. The only way I can use it is to sell, then buy immediately.
Last, I hatched three chicken eggs fine, but when I tried to hatch anymore, my eggs disappeared, but there were no new chickens. The warning that chickens drank all their water sometimes occurs when they still have water, and if they are supposed to lay eggs, after several days I never saw any.
I think the idea of this game is cute, but not being able to save money or pay rent and have it mean anything and having chickens that complain about water when they don’t need it and don’t give me eggs all make this game too difficult to play. I’ll check in a few months if these bugs have been addressed.