ELGM BugReport 0.07

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Post bugs found in patch 0.07 on this Thread!
If the bug you encountered crashed the game and prompts an error message, uploading a screenshot helps greatly!
Please check the full list before posting your bug!
- Some cutscenes are overlapping each other and end with a cluttered screen.
- Adding more opportunities for the player to make personality-based choices.
- The Panel-Info bar is not working properly. Especially in the Viril Woods area.
- Several enemies are missing attacks or proper balancing.
- Improving overall HUD.
- General Typos.
- The SOULSCAPE is being REVAMPED. If resting is bugging your game, avoid doing so for the remainder of your playthrough until the next patch. (Soulscape temporarily removed)
- Azul freezes the game in the SoulScape.
- Bug when resting lv10. Heric. 2Star-Rank Heric is breaking the game
- Bug crashing the game during loading screens.
- CALLing Dune freezes the game.
- Bug when MIXing at the Alchemist, causing the shop to stop working.
- Bug causing Randy's Date sequence to Black screen
- Bug causing Arulan to freeze the game when going into battle.
- Skipping the opening sequences prevents the player from choosing a name for the GM and Guild.
- A cutscene that should play AFTER Heric posts his first Recruit banner is playing before.
- Trying to take Randy on a Date messes up the event flow.
- Bug in the 'Rapids', in 'Viril Woods' not allowing the player to build a bridge, even if they've got 40 pieces of wood.
- Bug causing Aaron and the Satyr scene to show the wrong image.
- Bug causing the "Musical Crystals" to play the wrong SFX.
- Bug causing Dates to play inside Heric's Home.
- Bug causing Arnghar 'Date' response to result in a Black screen.
- Bug causing 'Yuki's Duel' secret route to produce 2 'Frigid Blades'.
- Bug in the Royal Ruins causing the 'Paragon's Parts' to still be displayed on-screen after the fact.
- Bug causing Heric Sprite to not show during the 'Royal Quest' Cutscene.
- Meal description textboxes are hard to read ruing dates.
Battle related:
- Provoking the Alpha Gnosis may break the flow of battle.
- Bug causing 'Yuki's Duel' to freeze the game.
- Bug with the Hornet encounter in Viril Woods.
- Bug with FINISHER moves.
- Bug causing the game to CRASH after the 3 Rat Gnosis encounter.
- Aaron's 'Sleepy Melody Lv.2' skill is targetting the allies instead of foes.
- Aaron's abilities playing multiple times when it's meant to play once.
Exploration related:
- Bug causing players to get stuck after checking the 'Cave Entrance' Panel in the Viril Woods.
- Bug causing players to get stuck when exiting the 'Satyr Pond' without playing the Mini-Game.
- Bug causing the 'Wood Bounty' panel to take players to the 'Forest Bounty' area instead.
- Bug when using Charkram and Linda to cross over the Rapids in Viril Woods.
- Bug causing a 'Treasure Key' to respawn in the 'Wood Bounty' panel, in the Viril Woods.
- Bug after Gnosis encounter over the 'Rapids' in the 'Viril Woods', causing a second fight to trigger right after.
- Meal description for the 'Molten Crack' is clipping inside the textbox.
- Hazel begins the game at level 10 and with Dune's moveset.
- 'Golden Armor' item description is incorrect.