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karlson+quake as a sandbox game · By Vainstains

Console documentation Sticky

A topic by Vainstains created Apr 04, 2023 Views: 191 Replies: 1
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Console Documentation

To open the console, press the backquote key (`) on your keyboard.

You can enter commands into the console by typing them in and pressing enter. To close the console, press the backquote key again.


Command notations are the name, followed by arguments, if any. EX: command [arguments] means command followed by a value which must not contain spaces, or it will be parsed as 2 arguments. EX: command [arguments]... means command followed by anything. all following parts will be concatenated with a seperating space, EX the binds command.

  • help [command name]
    Displays a list of available commands or the help message for a specific command.

  • setpos [x] [y] [z]
    Sets the position of the player character to the specified coordinates.

  • setvel [x] [y] [z]
    Sets the velocity of the player character to the specified vector.

  • walkspeed [speed | default]
    Sets the ground movement speed of the player character. Can be set to a number or to the default value.

  • airspeed [speed | default]
    Sets the air movement speed of the player character. Can be set to a number or to the default value.

  • counteraccel [value]
    Sets the counter-acceleration value for the player character’s movement. Counter-acceleration is just the force that slows you to a halt when walking.

  • jumppower [value]
    Sets the jump power for the player character.

  • looksens [value]
    Sets the sensitivity of the player character’s camera.

  • airstrafemode [0 | 1]
    Sets the style of air-based movement. 0 enables a freer Karlson-style air control system, while 1 enables a dot product based limit, similar to Quake III, TF2(both games), Counter-Strike, etc

  • god [0 | 1]
    Toggles god mode for the player character with noclip, fly and infinite gun grab reach.

  • debug [0 | 1]
    Toggles debug mode.

  • gravity [value]
    Sets the gravity value for the game.

  • playergravity [value]
    Sets the gravity value for the player character.

  • togglefullscreen
    Toggles full screen mode.

  • screenresolution [width] [height]
    Sets the screen resolution to the specified dimensions.

  • lua [run | reloadall] [script name]
    Runs or reloads the specified Lua script. (documentation to come)

  • editor
    Toggles the in-game editor, based on GILES and is very buggy and I do not recommend it.

  • timescale [value]
    Sets the time scale of the game.

  • spawn [prefab name]
    Spawns the specified prefab.

  • listspawn
    Lists all available prefabs.

  • canchopchop [0 | 1]
    enables or disables the ability to chop most objects with the sword.

  • loadscene [scene name]
    Loads the specified scene.

  • switchscene [scene name]
    Switches to the specified scene.

  • unloadscene [scene name]
    Unloads the specified scene.

  • listscene
    Lists all available scenes, and specifies the one you are in.

  • loadcustomlevel [level name]
    Loads the specified custom level.

  • graphics [level/gi/post/default] [effect name] [value]
    Sets the graphics settings for the game. graphics level 0 sets the graphics to ultra graphics level 6 sets the graphics to horrible graphics post [bloom/moblur/ao/chromab/vignette/alleffects] [1/0] sets individual post processing effects. graphics gi [1/0] INCREDIBLY BUGGY AND ALSO LAGGY!!! Realtime voxel GI based on sonicether’s SEGI.

  • playerscale [value]
    Sets the scale of the player character. buggy.

  • join [IP address] [username]
    Joins a multiplayer game with the specified IP address and username. (multiplayer still WIP, no server software distributed yet)

  • leave
    Leaves the current multiplayer game. (multiplayer still WIP, no server software distributed yet)

  • err
    Prints the last unity error message.

  • anchor
    Creates an anchor on the physics object the player is looking at.

  • spring [value]
    Creates a spring on the physics object the player is looking at, with specified strength.

  • phys [mass/drag/usegravity] [value | 0 | 1]
    Sets the physical properties of the physics object the player is looking at.

  • transform [scale] [x] [y] [z]
    Transforms the object the player is looking at, not necessarily a physics object but must have a collider. currently, scale is the only option. EX for clarity: transform scale 1 2 3

  • remobj
    Removes the object the player is looking at, not necessarily a physics object but must have a collider.

  • posgizmo Add a position gizmo to the object the player is looking at, not necessarily a physics object but must have a collider. drag any axis with left mouse, and remove by looking at any axis and pressing right mouse

  • binds [NO-ARG/set] [keycode] [command]... Manage command bindings. binds prints all current keybinds. binds set [keycode] [command]... sets the keycode to execute the command. EX: binds set P spawn pistol

way more than what i've added to the console for FPSandbox (not the one you made), lol