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Just Here To Word Vomit About My Love for GW

A topic by kc malik created May 01, 2023 Views: 454 Replies: 2
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This isn't technically like anything serious. but I just wanted to flood Green Warden's comments with my love for it. In a sort of wasteland of supernatural IFs, gw stands out so well. The writing is immaculate and I love everything that fiddles has put into it. I eagerly await the monthly updates <3 (also bautista has my whole heart.) 


KC.................................... STARTS FUCKING SWINGING YOU'RE TOO NICE!!!!!!! TO ME!!!!!!

Completely agreed, this game really does stand out so much and deserves so much more love. I get the feeling that I'm reading a published novel when I play this game and it kills me to see it being so short, I'm trying as hard as I can not to check out the new updates becuase I want to enjoy the contents in bigger chuncks.