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Make and teach robots to automate the world! · By Denki

Beta Testers

A topic by HUNTERROTHMAN2 created Aug 24, 2018 Views: 494 Replies: 2
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Denki, don't be mad, but i have an idea.

Almost every game version should have beta testers right?

The version your working on, do you think you could grab a handful or a lot of players, and they could test the version of your game, give you bug reports and suggestions, it's up to you tho.

Not me.

How would you suggest that Denki decides who could be on the beta testing crew?

It could just be done randomly- random players given pop-up saying "hey do you want to test out the next realease ~insert warnings and conditions here~ if so click here to download or click here to continue to play the stable release"